Aerial firefighters urge crackdown on drone use
The FAA had a clear understanding abou바카라t the technology and it’s safety, according to the commission. “We’re going t카지노 사이트o do everything we can do to reduce the use of that technology,” Bock said.
In addition to drone flights, companies should have to be more responsible for the technology and have better training, the commission said.
The FAA is considering an online training course to help companies comply with new standards from the FAA and state regulators. The FAA also is working to create a “federal privacy framework for information-sharing from aircraft-mounted aircraft systems,” the commission said.
The commission urged companies to provide more training to flight crews.
As the use of unmanned aerial vehicles has increased, some companies have reported that they are “misinterpreting” their policies and regulations, said Tom Bains, a senior policy analyst with the American Civil Liberties Union. He thinks the FAA should require companies to follow its rules and enforce them with real-world더킹카지노 experience.
“I worry that in the future, some of these regulations will be made up with little regard to the facts and the people who make them,” he said.