© Nienke Terpsma

Since the early 1970s she has practiced, taught, and advocated explorative methods of dance making . She danced with Trisha Brown Dance Company from 1979-85, creating original roles in Opal Loop, Son of Gone Fishin’ and Set and Reset. She has performed her own work in diverse locations, most recently in durational performance/installations with visual artist, Chris Crickmay and composer, Sylvia Hallett, at the Laban Institute, London, and during the Summer Dancing Festival, Coventry, England, with Malgven Gerbes (Tanzfabrik, Berlin), and with Gaby Agis (Winlab, London).
Her performance work and her teaching are informed by dance improvisation and mindful body practices including the Alexander Technique (certified teacher) and Ideokinesis. She has an MFA degree (Dance Research Fellow) from Bennington College and has taught dance at major colleges and studios throughout the US, Australia, and Europe, including a sustained period of teaching on the faculty of the European Dance Development Center, (EDDC) Arnhem, The Netherlands (1990-2002). Together with Vicky Shick, she has reset Set and Reset/Reset at the Budapest Contemporary Dance School, the Modern Dance Department of the Amsterdam Theater School, and at Princeton.