Big Stage | 07.07.2014 | 9 PM

© Thomas Achtner
A solo by David Brandstätter
Based on selected moments, several dialoges and individual experiences David Brandstätter portrays his idea of freedom. Balancing, fluently shifting between language, image, sound and movement he describes being free in a most private way. The traces that this topic has left in his body became the basis of this inspection. From there he starts an open dialog with the audience.
Dance / performance / choreography / design David Brandstätter Dramaturgical advisor / Stage Malgven Gerbes Dramaturgical advisor / lyrics David Brandstätter in dialogue with Hatto Fisher, David Williams, Alexandros Mistriotis, Gabriele Wittmann, Katja Kettner Music David Brandstätter in dialogue with Ruth Wiesenfeld Video Thomas Achtner Light Michael Kunitsch Production management Katja Kettner PR Kathrin Schäfer
Sponsored by the Performing Arts Fund eV, the Cultural Department of the City of Munich and the Bavarian State Association for Contemporary Dance BLZT / supported by residencies at: Fabrik Potsdam, Collectif Danse Rennes Métropole, Tanztendenz Munich, Giesinger Bahnhof Munich / With the support of Kahla Porcelain.
Diese Veranstaltung wird ermöglicht durch das NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ im Rahmen der Gastspielförderung Tanz aus Mitteln des Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien sowie der Kultur- und Kultusminiterien der Länder.