Big Stage | 08.07.2014 | 9 PM

Episode 2 of JUST BETWEEN US! The Generation Projekt by Silke Z.
Men in their 50’s. The American Jess Curtis and the Scot Angus Balbernie meet each other in order to dance, to fantasize, to keep harping on their aging bodies, the little aches and pains starting to show, on their unused, wishes and hopes not yet fulfilled. „They can wait; they have a target, without the wish to phrase it. They still have questions, but they don’t have answers anymore. Life is too complicated for putting its sense in a few words.“ (Kölnische Rundschau)
Jess meets Angus is episode 2 of the generation project JUST BETWEEN US!, a dance-performance series from cologne based choreographer Silke Z., who deals with different generations and the questions they have on life.
Concept/choreography Silke Z. In cooperation with Felix Marchand und Alexandra Dederichs Dance/theatre/performance Angus Balbernie, Jess Curtis Technical administration Ansgar Kluge Sound design Antonio Cabrita, André Zimmermann Management/PR mechtild tellmann kulturmanagement Production management Caroline Simon Administration/PR Wibke Scheler
Coproduced by fabrik Potsdam and Jess Curtis/Gravity
Funded by the Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, SK Stiftung Kultur