Releasing Writing
When the Judson Church dance artists researched movement in the 1960’s, they experimented with new modes and methods of research. How did that influence the practice of dance theory? And what of that resonates still today, when watching artists teach work that has developed since these times? In this workshop, we will move beyond Scoring Writing: Immersing ourselves, we will observe workshops throughout the week, adjust to the habitus of the dancers and pick up their working methods.
We will get into a creative analytical mood and transfer that into creating working methods for writing and analyzing what we observe. Overcoming dualities, doing theoretical research will be practical, creative and analytical – as we are becoming more and more fine-tuned to what we are being part of. We will “release writing” – and enjoy to be surprised, critically subjective, radically objective through the process of sharing, and analyzing the results.
Please note: application for this workshop is already closed.