5b panama canal expansion project begins construction and is expected to be complete by May 2015. The canal extension will cut the time taken for transport and communication needs between Manila and the port of Acapulco from 30 years to 20 years, from 15 years to 6.5 years, from 12 years to 7.5 years and from 10 years to 4.5 years. The project will require financing of around US$1 billion and start construction in late 2015, depending on the final project schedule.
It is a relief for the Philippines’ citizens that President Duterte has announced that all of the proposed major infrastructure projects would be completed by late 2017. It also helps that Congress is passing legislation to encourage foreign investment in infrastructure projects. With more and more of the바카라사이트 national budget being spent on foreign investments, there will be less need to pay the “international community’s” tolls for the project.
If the Philippines is not able to generate at least $1 billion per year from foreign investors on infrastructure projects, it’s clear that the government of President Rodrigo Duterte cannot expect a reas바카라사이트onable investment. Duterte wants to turn his country into China’s and China’s a model for his own administration.
China is also keen to see the Philippines’ debt levels drop by 50 percent while they are growing at 2.5 percent a year. Since 2008, the Philippine economy has lost nearly US$11 billion (around P1.43 billion) in real currency. These figures are largely because of the devaluation of the peso against the US dollar.
But all of thi바카라사이트s was done in 2015. After all, most of these projects are done. Since the end of the Philippines’ World Cup qualifying win in March, the country has been hit hard by the ongoing global economic crisis.
This was certainly not the reason of the recent comments by President Duterte. He said he would spend the national budget on roads, schools and water and waste management projects and not for infrastructure. He is not making a “straw man” argument. In fact, his budget was a “Strip and build” budget.
The reason behind his announcement is very simple: Duterte wants to give the public more confidence than just about anyone else. The president has been at it for several months now and there is no reason for doubt that he will find a way to accomplish the desired results. The Filipino people will welcome any positive publicity about the development of infrastructure projects in an honest and transparent manner.
In just three years, President Duterte has been running a successful business empire that has generate