Embodied Conversations – A Body-Mind-Centering® Approach
Trude Cone and Ka Rustler met at the SNDO and are BMC® practicioners. Each has been a major influence in their work as dancer, choreographer and dance educator. In their careers they continue to translate insights from the moving body into making new strategies in performance, teaching, developing movement vocabularies and improvisation and putting them into practice.
In the last decades both Trude and Ka have researched unique aspects in the physical landscape. Trude’s research into forces, reflexes and developmental movement patterns evolved into Moving Thought, a coaching method based on how earliest movement patterns are building blocks for perceiving, organizing, planning and decision making. Ka’s research, supported by the latest scientific discoveries, looks at how fascia not only plays an essential role in muscular force transmission but is also a sensing organ, a fluid matrix and entire continuum, being our richest and most important in terms of body perception.
In this workshop we will be looking at how transmission of these earliest movement patterns could be travelling/supporting through the fascia creating a tensegrity meshwork reaching out of self, shaping ourselves and our environment.
This workshop will be an embodied exploration of the synergy of early movement patterns and fascia in interaction and communication and we will look for strategies in improvisation as well as movement research.
This workshops is for movers and dancers familiar also to C.I.